Fly tipping is a very serious problem in the UK and costs councils and private property owners hundreds of thousands of pounds every single year.

Fly tippers are criminals, it’s as simple as that, finding remote places to dispose of trash without having to pay disposal fees. This practice has terrible consequences for the environment, human safety, and creates a disgusting eye-sore.

Given the fact that the main reasons a fly tipper chooses a certain location are simply convenience and avoiding detection, tackling this crime is a serious challenge for the police and sadly not one they are winning.

We are not here to tackle the issue overall, however. We are here to help property owners to protect their own sites against fly tipping, something that is much more realistic.

security professional

The team at have put their heads together and come up with 5 of the top ways to keep fly tippers away from your property, saving you a huge amount of hassle and money in the process.

5 Ways to Stop Security Guards

Get a security guard

If you are trying to protect a rural location such as a farm from fly tippers, security guards probably aren’t a viable option. The area of land will be so large that asking one to protect the whole area is simply impractical and hiring enough to protect the whole area is unaffordable.

However, fly tippers don’t only target properties out in the countryside. If there is a fly tipping hotspot somewhere in the area putting a security guard in place can be highly effective. The news of their presence will also spread like wildfire throughout the local area and you will probably find that the perpetrators will quickly move elsewhere.

Fly tippers usually don’t choose their sites for any reason other than avoiding detection and simply won’t risk anything if they think there is any real chance of being intercepted.

Install Lighting

Darkness is a fly tippers best friend. Install security lighting in the areas that are most vulnerable to fly tipper activity and instantly reduce the risk of being targeted many times over. To save money and avoid disturbing your neighbours install motion detection lighting systems that will give anyone approaching a shock that will have them turning heel rather quickly.

Install CCTV

CCTV is another major deterrent to fly tippers. Even if they don’t notice your CCTV or ignore the warning signs, capturing the crime on film will give the local police a much better chance of apprehending the perpetrators and bringing them to justice.

Install physical barriers

Most fly tipping is carried out in smallish business style vans. Installing concrete blocks or other physical barriers that prevent such vehicles getting close to your property will make it much harder for someone to dump any waste on your land.

Liaise with the police

Report every instance of fly tipping to the local police and work with them whenever possible. It may feel as though they are making little to no progress with your case but collaboration is never a bad thing.