What You Should Know About Life Insurance Diabetics

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects many people in Tucson, AZ, and around the world. If untreated, it can lead to serious health issues, so people with diabetes need to have life insurance.

But, for persons with medical history such as high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, and other severe medical conditions, it’s difficult in obtaining life insurance from life insurance companies.

Life insurance premiums for diabetic patients are about 25% higher premiums than life insurance policies for non-diabetic individuals. However, the coverage with life insurance riders is still very much worth it.

Diabetes can lead to diabetes-related complications such as kidney disease, high blood pressure, and cholesterol which all increase your risk of death in many different ways. Therefore, it is essential to understand the implications of health factors and what it means for life insurers.

Here are some essential points about life insurance policy options when you have diabetics:

Why is it hard to obtain life insurance for people with diabetes?

Finding life insurance with a medical history and for people with diabetes is difficult to qualify for a life insurance policy.

Life insurance rates are based on their expected mortality, which can be influenced by the diabetes patient’s medical history and those that are likely to arise in the future.

Diabetes is often accompanied by other medical issues such as obesity. Usually, it poses additional risk factors regarding life expectancy or the likelihood of developing new critical illnesses.

It makes finding affordable life insurance coverage much more challenging than it would otherwise be without these pre-existing conditions.

Life Insurance Companies View People with Diabetes As High-Risk Applicants

Recently, life insurance companies have been shying away from accepting people with diabetes due to the severity of their side effects.

These complications can sometimes be seen in an adverse reaction to your application. And suppose you do not show signs of having a well-controlled condition. In that case, it will only make them more reluctant about considering life insurance applications.

Life insurance providers are hesitant when dealing with applicants who identify themselves as diabetic because their complication rates often stray outlandishly high.

Even those “diabetic friendly” insurers won’t consider someone without proper management or control issues for life insurance coverage.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Life Insurance Policy when you have diabetes

For life insurance companies, a diabetic’s condition is considered the most difficult to predict and control of any medical ailment because diabetes has so many variations in how it can affect different people.

Factors that increase mortality risk during a life insurance policy are age, smoking habits, and health conditions.

If you’re considering getting insured for your loved ones or yourself, be sure to find out if any of these apply to them:

Your Age

The older you get, acquiring life insurance is expensive. But if you were diagnosed with diabetes as a child or teen and have type 1, your premiums will likely be even higher.

Both factors factor into your premium rate: age and whether or not this is Type I Diabetes, a less manageable illness.

In addition to being one reason why people buy life insurance, having high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period can lead to diabetic retinopathy leading to blindness.

Type of Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is often easier to manage than Type 1, but life insurance companies rarely recognize this. As a result, insulin-dependent diabetics are classified as higher risk groups and must pay more for their premiums.

Life insurance application for type 2 diabetes is easier because it is more manageable and has a lower mortality rate.

There are also gestational diabetes cases that occur during pregnancy which you must take into consideration before applying.

Your Weight and Fitness Routine

Obesity has been a factor in life insurance rates for many years. However, with the rise of diabetes cases, it is only becoming more critical.

You might be surprised to know that even if you do not have diabetes, your weight can still affect your premium rate.

But when paired together, these two illnesses have an increased impact on one’s premiums because they share similar risk factors.

But don’t worry, just being overweight does not necessarily mean higher rates either. For example, someone who exercises regularly could get those lowered by around 50%.

Health Issues affecting life insurance rating, life insurance options, term life insurance policy, and affordable coverage

When you have diabetes, life insurance companies will provide a health questionnaire to ask about your current health and family health history. In addition, a life insurance company or an insurance agent wants to know how it has impacted your overall wellness.

Life Insurance Application

To apply for a life insurance policy, you will need to complete a health questionnaire about your health history and diabetes in addition to the standard application form.

Life insurance companies may request additional medical records from any physicians you have visited recently. In addition, they might require a medical exam before issuing a life insurance policy.

Your Management Plan

For people with diabetes, healthy lifestyle choices go a long way. Exercise and diet can keep diabetes under control, resulting in lower premium rates from your insurance company.

Suppose you are not insulin-dependent but still need oral medications to manage the disease. In that case, these may increase your premiums slightly more than those on insulin products only.

However, being compliant with medical recommendations and doing everything possible like a vitality program should help reduce any increases due to medication usage. In addition, it shows the insurer that there is little risk of complication for them when they insure someone who has diabetics.

How to choose a life insurance coverage plan for Life Insurance for Diabetics?

Insurance companies have different life insurance rates for people with diabetes. Therefore, it is vital to find an insurer that offers you life insurance coverage at a rate that will fit your budget and lifestyle choices.

The following are some suggestions on how to choose the right life insurance plan:

Type of Insurance Policy

Term life insurance policies are the cheapest cost per dollar coverage because they only extend for a predetermined period, such as 10 or 20 years.

For instance, if you want to ensure your children can pay for college should anything happen. Most term policies offer the option of converting death benefits without additional underwriting into permanent plans that last until death do them part.

Permanent life insurance policies are the most expensive alternative. Still, they may be worth it to ensure that you leave an inheritance, death benefit, or your spouse receives support.

No Medical Exam vs. Fully-Underwritten Life Insurance

Life insurance policies with term and whole life coverage can be purchased without a medical exam, but these options are both more expensive.

Term plans offer less protection than the other option.

People with diabetes who purchase either type of policy have decreased access to an extensive range of premiums available on general market rates.

Life insurance companies impose higher premiums for insurers due to their health risks such as heart disease or cancer linked to high blood sugar levels. These health risks could lead them to death within 40 years after diagnosis, according to statistics by American Diabetes Association (2017).

Lifeline 4NoExam, Best Life Insurance Companies in Tucson, AZ

Protect your family’s finances without a medical exam. LifeLine 4NoExam has teamed up with an insurance carrier to offer accessible, affordable term life insurance coverage for individuals ages 21-55.

Insurance policies are available in 10 years or 20-year plans. Healthy customers pay on average $39/month for the peace of mind that comes from knowing they have the financial safety net if anything happens to them while protecting their loved ones.

Lifeline 4NoExam in Tucson, AZ, offers diabetic direct, a life insurance product specifically for persons with diabetes.

We understand how difficult it is to secure a life insurance policy when you have a pre-existing condition such as diabetes.

Protect yourself and your loved ones. Contact us at 844-466-3926 today!

Wealth Management Made Easy: Global Investment Strategies

Leverage your resources with strategic wealth strategies, transparent fees, client-focused, and committed service to plan wealth for life with Global Investment Strategies.

A common misconception about wealth management is that only the elite can afford it. In reality, there are various services created to cater specifically to those who have more than just enough money in their bank account.

A wealth management company enables proper asset allocation to all of your asset class and investments, long-term capital appreciation, and finances, including your current income.

Global Investment Strategies offers a full range of wealth management services such as investing, tax, risk management, asset management, and other financial services.

Our team of experienced professionals is responsible for the growth and strategy making of your securities, investments, assets, and portfolios.

Whether you’re looking for a bit of trusted financial advice, a guaranteed strategy to calculate risk while investing, proper allocation of assets, or any financial services you might need – trust Global Investment Strategies.

That’s why a wealth management firm in Tucson, AZ outlines the essential elements that should not change:

Cash Management

Essential cash flow is a necessary factor in maintaining financial stability;

Investment Advice that Guarantees Risk-Adjusted Returns

Saving for future goals ensures security when unforeseen events happen, solutions that gear towards growth and solutions, and diverse portfolios.

Diversified Portfolios

Investing helps get more out of what you have now, so much can go into legacy savings.

Suppose you want to have a guaranteed investment decision and a diversified portfolio for your funds and wealth resources and achieve your full wealth potentials. In that case, investment professionals can help you achieve these goals.

What is wealth management?

One of the most essential yet often overlooked aspects of wealth management is having a plan. A wealth management firm will typically develop an investment strategy that considers your personal goals and timeline to create a tailored portfolio that works for you.

The wealth manager and the client work together to understand their goals, risk tolerance level, time frame, savings needs, and more to create an investment plan for them over time.

What can wealth management help with business planning, investing in a retirement plan, and estate planning?

Investment advisors help you in your journey towards financial clarity, abundance, wealth, and overall wellness. Smart choices about your money and resources do not only contribute to your wealth, but it impacts the quality of your life.

  • Business Planning

Business ownership can bring many challenges, especially when it comes to navigating the line between your business and personal financial plans. Unfortunately, it becomes even more complicated with new legislation in Tucson, AZ.

Business planning is an important area that many entrepreneurs are unaware of before starting their own company. However, there are ways you can plan and identify the best business solutions for you and your business.

  • Retirement Planning

Many factors affect how long your money will last, and therefore how much you need. But what is most important to consider when investing in a retirement plan to ensure enough assets?

Your personal goals for retirement. Wealth management companies create a customized retirement plan based on your needs.

  • Estate Planning

Estate planning is not just for those who are older and have substantial wealth. No matter how big or small your estate is, you’ll need a plan for it for the future.

Planning for your future now is crucial no matter the state of the economy because it will be more difficult in trying times to maintain a comfortable lifestyle. Developing and implementing a wealth management plan involves being fully aware of all factors that may influence any changes you experience about how much money you have, when they happen, as well as their magnitude.

When is the best time to plan for your family’s financial and wealth future?

Early in your career, it would be best if you focused on saving and growing wealth. In other words, spend less than what you earn–this will help secure a stronger financial future for yourself throughout your life. Your core-making years are ages 35-55.

At this age, most people’s salaries tend to be at their highest point because they have more experience under their belt.

When starting our careers, we must save up money by spending as little as possible and growing our net worth through wise investment decisions such as investing any additional income earned from bonuses into an appropriate savings account or retirement fund.

Proper planning lays the bricks for your future legacy and works toward achieving your life’s purpose. And to get there, working with an advisor or wealth manager can guide you on building that solid financial and wealth foundation as you pursue what matters most in life.

Why should you trust wealth management services with your finances and estate resources?

If you are an investor, financial planner, or have a lot of money to manage, wealth management is for you. Wealth management encompasses the majority of investment decisions, and more so, it’s in your best interest if these decisions happen before retirement age when there will be less time on hand due to limited capacity post-retirement years.

Wealth Management companies in Tucson, Arizona, this service does not only cover what needs covering financially. But, additionally, make sure those monetary resources go where they should rather than just sitting idle.

Benefits of Wealth Management Global Investment Strategies:

Develop a Plan

Wealth management companies in Tucson, AZ, can help you develop a sound plan that helps to safeguard your funds and get the most out of them. It also prevents you from committing common mistakes in investing, such as over-diversifying or not considering changes in investment values.

Collaborative Advantages

Wealth advisors can make complicated financial decisions easier by showing you how to optimize your personal life. They do this in a tailored way for each client, which ultimately improves their finances and health.

Extensive experience and expertise in global markets, securities, and emerging market equities

Wealth managers are experts in complicated financial management. One of the biggest reasons to hire a wealth advisor is because they can keep track of your investments as you grow and change from beginner investor up to an expert investment manager.

Your investment portfolio is just the tip of your financial iceberg. Wealth advisors can help you turn around any aspect of a personal finance situation, from managing investments to tax preparation or retirement planning.

Trust your finances and asset classes with Global Investment Strategies in Tucson, Arizona.

Wealth management is an essential factor to help you make the most of your money and assets. Putting time into better managing these aspects will allow for future success, peace of mind, and financial security.

While many wealth management companies are out there, it is crucial to trust your assets and finances with top companies in Tucson, Arizona, like Global Investment Strategies.

We work with families like yours every day. We help them navigate the intricacies of investment planning, retirement security opportunities, estate preservation strategies. So they can focus on living their best lives now without worrying too much about tomorrow.

Give us a call today at (520) 360 8177 for a FREE consultation!