Job interview – recruiter asking questions

Are you considering a job through an accounting recruiter? If so, we have the questions for you. There are many benefits to working with a recruiter and they can make the job search process much easier. However, there is no such thing as a free lunch and this includes hiring through an accountant recruiting agency. Here at the Bradsby Group, we want to help those of you who are considering this route find out more about what it involves before jumping head first into something that might not be right for them!

Why is the position open?

Check to see whether the position is newly created or if it has become vacant. If the former, ask why the person who previously held the position departed and for how long.

What skills and experiences are the hiring supervisor looking for?

Inquire about the required skills and experiences for the position from the accounting recruiters. Having a list of this sort will make it a lot easier to compare the employer’s needs to your skillset and determine whether or not it is worth pursuing.

What does the day-to-day of the job look like?

Asking this is an excellent approach to get past the standard job description and truly understand what the position entails. Is it a lot of meetings? Is there any research or writing involved? How much is it per hour? What degree of oversight does the job offer? Inquire about how you would spend most of your time.

Is there anything in my resume or background that should be looked at again?

This is a fantastic method to assess your level of competition for the position and get information that will help you develop a strategy for addressing any perceived gaps in your cover letter, resume, and during the official interview.